Application Procedures

Thank you for your interest in The One Room School House. We are a public charter school. There is no tuition or cost to attend our school. In order to apply you need to come to the school, take a tour, make sure that you understand and desire to be in our program and pick up an application.  Applications are not available on line.

Because we must determine your student’s grade placement, until all documents and information required in the application are received, your child can not be eligible for admission. If your child is already in school, hard copies of your student’s final report card must be submitted before an applicant becomes eligible. If your child took an FCAT (or other state test), the results must be delivered to the school before your child will be eligible for admission.

The application is in effect until February 1st of the school year in which you wish to enroll. A new application must be submitted each year thereafter. If your contact information changes, you are responsible for contacting the school and reporting the change. If the school is unable to contact you by telephone because your number no longer works, your application will become inactive and eventually discarded.

If there are more applications then there are spaces available in a class (which is usually the case), Florida Law requires that the school have a lottery drawing to place the application in rank order if an opening occurs. In order to make your application active before the lottery, you will have to attend an orientation tour of the school.

The Board of Directors will determine enrollment periods for each school year. If an opening occurs during an enrollment period, the person 1st in line on the lottery list for that grade level will be contacted and offered the spot at the school. If that person declines or does not respond immediately, their application will become inactive and eventually discarded. Then, the school will contact the next applicant on the lottery list, and so on until the vacancy is filled.

If you have questions regarding this process, contact the school and ask to speak with Mr. Drake.

 Grading Policies

The following guidelines will be used to determine report card grades for students each grading Period:

Criteria Grade (1-2) Criteria Grade (3-8)
90 – 100% E 90 – 100% A
80 – 89% S 80 – 89% B
70 – 79% N 70 – 79% C
60 – 69% N- 60 – 69% D
0 – 59% U 0 – 59% F

Two Report Card grades of F in Reading, Math, Science or Social Studies will result in Retention for the year.

  • If a student is tardy more than 3 times in a grading period, a class work grade of 0 shall be assigned for each class to which the student is tardy
  • If a student is tardy more than 9 times in a grading period, a subject grade of F shall be assigned for the nine week period.
  • If a student has more than 3 unexcused absences in a nine week period, a class work grade of 0 shall be assigned for each class to which the student is absent.
  • If a student has more than 6 unexcused absences in a nine week period, a grade of F shall be assigned for each subject in that nine week period.
  • Definitions
    • Tardy: A student who has not entered the front door of the school by 8:00 AM according to the office clock is considered tardy. Recorded by school secretary and classroom teacher.
    • Absence: Not in attendance at school for an entire day. Recorded by school secretary.
    • Excused absence: Note or documentation from a heath care professional or government agency presented to the school upon return or Pre-approved absence in writing from the Principal.
    • Unexcused absence: Not in attendance and no documentation or pre-approval.
  • Amendment to Grading Policies